Faith for exiles

Screens demand our attention and screens disciple, teach and train us. With the complexity of technology today, it is not strange to feel lost and wander how to navigate through life. A Christian can often experience as living in a shift from Jerusalem to Babylon. In Babylon, the Bible is one of many voices that … Continue reading Faith for exiles

Decolonising Biblical Christianity, Reforming the African Mind: Colonialism is not Civilisation, Culture is not Christianity.

The above thought-provoking title is from the recent book by Laban S. Mwashekele, volume one. In this volume, the retired but not disarmed pastor analyzes the pollution within Christendom and invites all God-lovers to consider decolonizing Biblical Christianity, to reconstruct the African culture, and to reform the African Mind, as he attempts the same task. … Continue reading Decolonising Biblical Christianity, Reforming the African Mind: Colonialism is not Civilisation, Culture is not Christianity.