The Six Idols that Cause Division and Destruction in the Church and in the Society

In the world, especially in the African continent, conflicts, disunity, fights and destruction in homes, families, organizations, governments, and sadly even in the churches are centered around six idols of fallen sinful human hearts, which are: possession (money/material objects), power, position, pleasure, prestige, and popularity (fame). An idol is something that you love and treasure … Continue reading The Six Idols that Cause Division and Destruction in the Church and in the Society

True Freedom that Every Man Need

On the 21st of March, Namibians celebrate their Independence, gained 32 years ago. The Independence Day reminds us of the heroes and heroines who have sacrifices their comforts and lives for the sake of freedom. Those who have tested the horror of colonialism understand the blessings of freedom. Therefore, we celebrate the Independence Day because … Continue reading True Freedom that Every Man Need

The Role of the Christian in Society

The primary role of Christians in the society is to teach and preach the gospel of Christ in life and doctrine to restore the worship and glory of God in sinner. Christians must act in line with the doctrine that they claim to believe. Christians are custodians of truth and moral uprightness. This is why the church (body of Christians) is called the pillar and ground of the truth in the society (1 Timothy 3:15). In marriage, homes, business, in politics, wherever they are and in whatever they do, Christians must abhor what is evil and cling to what is good – Romans 12:9; 1 Corinthians 10:31. Christians are to stand up for Christ and for righteousness. Christians are called to be the light of the world through their godly living, through biblical teachings and through righteous actions (Mathews 5:13–16, Colossians 3:1–17).

The Deeper Worst Problem Behind the Call to Legalize Abortion in Namibia

Legalizing abortion will not make it right. The main cause of abortion, of the factors that leads to abortion and of the call to legalize abortion is the rejection of God and of His perfect Word. Therefore, true solution to this problem should begin with repentance from sin and faith in the Savior and Lord Jesus Christ by the guidance of God’s Word. Abortion must be avoided as much as possible because primarily it is a sin against God, and because legalizing it creates many problems rather than providing a real solution.

The Lord Jesus Christ Is the Sovereign Reigning King

As we labour in the strength of the Lord to fulfill the Great Commission in the midst of oppositions and many other challenges of this world (Colossians 1:29), let us always remember that Christ who has commissioned us to make people of all nations his disciples is the sovereign reigning King of the entire universe; he is in charge of the entire creation, and he is over all kings and all authorities of this world. And in addition, he is always with us as he has promised (Mathew 28:18-20).

Biblically, What Is True Obedience?

Although obedience is very important, most people do not obey God, nor do they understand what true obedience is. And even many (both Christians and non-Christians) of those who claim to be obedient are disobedient. One of the things that cause disobedient people to believe that they are obedience is a lack of understanding for true (biblical) obedience. Many have defined obedience in the way that suits their own moral standard rather than fitting God’s standard.